Monday, February 24, 2020

Why does King consider horror movies conservative and reactionary What Essay - 1

Why does King consider horror movies conservative and reactionary What do you believe the role of horror movies to be in our society - Essay Example People try to display this belief by reacting with horror at whatever gory happens in the horror movies. Hence, King says that horror movies are conservative as they help people to confirm to themselves and to the world that they are ‘normal’ people as they fear and loath things that horror movies show. According to him, horror movies limit their goriness and ugliness by showing only those things which can be digested by human mind. In doing so, horror movies conform to the social expectations and hence, they remain conservative. King also says that horror movies are reactionary as they help people to avoid social change. By that he means that people avoid the social change by refusing to accept their attraction towards the antisocial and gory aspects of their mind. The fact remains that despite of knowing that horror movies are about gory violence, evil spirits, sinister vengeance etc., people still choose to watch the movie. If they had really felt repulsive towards the ugly, gory, violent and disgusting things in life, they would have chosen not to watch the horror movies, which are full of these things. However, horror movies provide only that which can be accepted by the society. Hence, they avoid change. The very fact that people choose to see the horror movie shows that there is something in their psychological make up which makes horror appealing to them. However, people refuse to accept it and rather than dealing this face to face, they suppress it. It is stored in their subconscious mind and they try to fight it by presenting themselves as a people who hate violence. Watching the horror movies is nothing but an attempt to display to the world that they are ‘normal’ beings and are just like other human beings who hate the gory things in life. Hence, King says that horror movies are reactionary as they oppose social change and reinforces the attitude of ‘normality’ in people. People find an outlet to their suppressed

Friday, February 7, 2020

Environmrntal science 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Environmrntal science 2 - Essay Example First of all, one needs to develop a question or a problem. The problem must be able to undergo scientific experimentation for it to be meaningful. Secondly, one has to make observations or research on the problem formed in the first series. Thirdly, there must be a formulation of a hypothesis that gives information on the possible answer to the problem solved. Fourthly, an experiment must be carried out to show if the hypothesis is true or false. This can be done by collecting the necessary materials and procedures to come up with results that can be quantified or measured. The fifth step involves collection and analysis of the results from the experiment. If the experiment is not accurate then one can change or make the procedures better. The analysis must have evidence like photographs, tables and graphs to ease understanding. The sixth step is simply to come up with the conclusion whereby it must have statements that either support or reject the statement of the hypothesis. The s ixth step also included making recommendations to allow improvement or further studies to be done. The last step is being able to communicate the results to other individuals (Michael, 2003, pp. 1-220). Sustainable development is concerned with using resources following a particular pattern with the aim of meeting human needs in preservation of the environment for the present and the future generation. It ensures that the needs of the present human needs are met without compromising that of the future generation. Sustainability is therefore the ability to maintain a particular state. For instance, in environmental sustainability, the environment is expected to be at its natural state avoiding any depletion (Michael, 2003, pp. 1-220). The biosphere matter follows a circular pathway because they use up one type of matter and reproduce another that can be used by another living thing. For instance, animals take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide